Happy Almost New Years


December 31, 1999, in the evening, I wondered if the world would end 12:00 a.m., January 2000.
We went to a party. Later in the night (11:30 p.m. or so) I was tired, I’ll just take a little nap in a bedroom.

When I woke up, maybe 12:15 a.m., the world didn’t end.
I wonder if I WAS awake at 12:00 a.m., the world WOULD end though?
Well, in any case, you’re welcome everyone.

My Halloween costumes?

Some people every year have the best costumes. Obviously, I never won the best costume, but here’s some of mine over the years:


Julie Brown, the singer — “‘Cause I’m A Blonde” (I’m sitting down)

1 Julie Brown

Here’s the real Julie Brown:


Snow White:

10 Snow White


The Sweeney Sisters (SNL)

2 The Sweeney Sisters


Martha Quinn on MTV

3 Martha Quinn


Money laundering scheme

… More people though, “Are you just money?”

So I had to explain the costume every time. Only one person got my costume.

He said, “HAAAAA! Money laundering scheme! I love it!”

Finally someone got it.

4 Money laundering scheme


Sinead O’Connor

… Okay, I didn’t dress up like Sinead O’Connor. I had to shave my head because I was going to surgery.

A month later, I looked like Sinead O’Connor! 😉

5 Sinead O'Connor


I’m an old Lounge Singer:

9 lounge singer


Girl Scout:

6 Girl Scout


I’m Facebook:

7 Facebook


Nancy Pelosi  🙂

8 Nancy P. 2 pic


Happy Halloween everyone!

11 Giant punken

Emmy dream, 2017

I had a dream that I was up for the Emmy Nomination, and the Emmys were tonight … WHAT?! Did I really get a nomination?

“Yes, you did Maureen.” (I didn’t no who I was talking to, but he/she said that yes, I got a Emmy Nomination!)


But that didn’t make sense; I suck at acting, whether TV or movies. I did one minor role in high school, but this is the Emmys, not high school. But now I got Nominated … so weird!


I didn’t have a formal attire to go to the Emmys. Oh, still dreaming, someone said, “Don’t worry, I’ll find a dress for you.”

“Thanks!” I said. “I don’t have the cleavage like so many other women do, so nothing too flashy.”



(Flash forward) Now I’m at the Emmys. I didn’t no where I was sitting. Hopefully, someone really famous that I’m sitting next to.

I was checking out other people who were there. Hey … I can’t see any famous people. And where is Stephen Colbert as the host? Am I at a different event? Why isn’t everyone dressed up? Many people sitting down had sodas, popcorn etc.

Am I just watching a movie??! … Aaaaaahh! Where’s the Emmys?!!


I can’t remember anything else in the dream. So I guess I’m not up for any Nomination.
